The employee's pension broker and advisor
Only the best for your employees
Med RTM som samarbejdspartner får I den bedst mulige pensionsordning for jeres medarbejdere. Vi tager hensyn til den enkelte medarbejder i jeres virksomhed og tilbyder fx:
Risk assessment on an individual level
Risk assessment on an individual level
In any organisation, there may be individuals who have circumstances that require us to create an individual solution for them.
Senior counselling
When an employee is approaching retirement age, they have the opportunity to receive individual counselling on their financial situation. Here we determine when the various schemes will be payable and optimise coverage and schemes in relation to benefits from the government - possibly in combination with other insurance policies and/or home equity.
Health insurance
Både for jeres virksomhed og for den enkelte medarbejder er det en stor fordel at have en sundhedsforsikring, der sikrer, at medarbejderen kommer hurtigt til behandling. RTM har også stor erfaring med at optimere pris og kvalitet på sundhedsforsikringer.
Our experts are ready to help
Kontakt en medarbejder i pension her
We'll guide you through all of this:
An update and reconciliation of the following:
- Enrolment and counselling of each employee.
- Administration of policies and premiums.
- Assistance in case of illness, disability, etc.
- Preparation of financial overview.
- Maintaining pension policy.
- Preparation of IT-site and brochure for the individual company.
- Conducting tender rounds.
- Providing ongoing information.
- Follow-up meetings
We will assist you
It's important to have your pension scheme in order, but it certainly doesn't have to be solely up to you to find the best possible solution. We have company pension experts who are always available to give you expert advice and a helping hand to create a great solution for you.
Based on the information you provide, our experts will be able to guide you to the perfect solution for you and your company.
Whatever you may need, our experts will collaborate with you to create a great pension programme, so you can rest assured that you and your business are well covered in the event of an accident.
That means there's plenty of help and advice to be gained here with RTM, and you may contact one of our experts today, so we swiftly can collaborate to find the best solution for you and your business.