4353 1444 mail@rtm.dk

Your company's pension broker

Our 4 step process

1. Assessment
Vi udarbejder en omfattende pensionsrevision, som omfatter vurdering af den eksisterende firmapensionsordning med hensyn til pensionsstørrelse, invalidedækning, dødsdækning, udbetaling ved kritisk sygdom, forrentning, bonusreserver, tilbagebetaling af risikoreserver, valgmuligheder m.m.

2. Suggestions for optimisation
På basis af denne vurdering fremkommer RTM med forslag til optimering af virksomhedens pensionsordning på pensionsstørrelse, invalidedækning, dødsdækning, udbetaling ved kritisk sygdom og andre væsentlige forhold i jeres firmapension.

3. Tendering
Your pension scheme is put out to tender - typically with the existing pension company and 3 other providers.

Action plan - going forward
I samråd med dig fastsættes det, hvor hyppigt vi holder statusmøde – både for at vedligeholde virksomhedens pensionspolitik og med henblik på en total gennemgang af virksomhedens pensionsforhold.

We will assist you

It's important to have your pension scheme in order, but it certainly doesn't have to be solely up to you to find the best possible solution. We have company pension experts who are always available to give you expert advice and a helping hand to create a good solution for you.

Based on the information you provide, our experts will be able to guide you to the perfect solution for you and your company.

Whatever you may need, our experts will collaborate with you to create a great pension programme, so you can rest assured that you and your business are well covered in the event of an accident.

That means there's plenty of help and advice to be gained here with RTM, and you may contact one of our experts today, so we swiftly can collaborate to find the best solution for you and your business.

Our experts are ready to help

Contact Michael Broeng